Hello Everyone. It has been a very long time since I have updated any of you. Oh wait...it HAS been a long time since I have. So sorry. I will try to sum things up and plan on writing more frequently now that I have this "wacky thing" set up as my dad would say.
Here is a recap of the past month or so:
The two Cali girls couldn't hack it so they quit our team and left within a few days. Jackie (the one who played at CSU) went to Finland to play for a better team. We actually got a lot closer after Branagan went home. There were a couple days where it was just Jackie here so that was nice to make another network, contact, and friend. I think it was for the best that they both left though. They were really unhappy here and it was starting to rub off on me. It became harder and harder to be positive about things here. They are both very happy with their decisions.
Schnake (one of my closest friends from my college team) came here to take one of their spots. It really seemed like fate. I called her to see if she was interested and she was sorta a mess. Things in her life were falling apart and she spoke to me about how she really needed a change. That is when I told her that we needed girls to come asap to play on our team. I have been so much happier since she got here. It is really nice to have a friend and someone to talk to. Also I really like having a partner to travel and explore with. The other girls are great and together the five of us really seem to fit together. Sage and Noelle (the other new girl) are really good friends. Ingrid (our coaches girlfriend or is the 5th American on our team) and Noelle were teammates in college so we all have our little connections between eachother. It is perfect and I am happy with the group of us. It just seems right. Of course there are my irritations but it is considerably better than things were with Jackie and Branagan here.
Since Schnake got here we have gone on walks, runs, to the gym, to town to sit in the sun and read, to site see, out in Copenhagen, and enjoyed watching movies in our apartment. A big night here is when the five of us decide we all want to play cards. It is a simple kind of like that at times I must say I really hate, but I also think it is something that is good for me to experience.
I am almost done with the Hunger Games book series and have really enjoyed getting sucked into them. I would suggest them to everyone. I am working on cooking a lot and have loved exploring my hand in the kitchen. I have had some great successes and so really big flops but it has been fun either way. I find myself drinking a lot of coffee (sorry dad). It is our social thing at the house and just a little bit of home that makes me really happy. Lately I have been also experimenting with making my own specialty coffee drinks at home since they don't have any Starbucks here. SAD DAy! Ok. I think that is enough of an update for now. I will get back on soon and add some pics with descriptions but wanted to give you something in the mean time. Miss you all SO MUCH! Hope all is well in the States.
"They are both from Cali and therefore a little superficial, materialistic and complain a lot." LOL is that what you think of us Californians? What a fabulous reputation! :D HAHAHAHA And yes, WHY don't we learn real languages sooner - elementary school is SO boring anyway! Super weird about the girls coming and leaving your team, but hey, it all worked out in the end! Is your hand feeling better yet? MISS YOU!